Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dark Passage


I like the light in this photo. I need to get shooting and shoot some more stuff.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vintage Sign


Oh how I hate blogs.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Center City Rooftop


I love this shot. If you can't tell already, I draw a lot of inspiration from Stephen Shore. I admire his work, and sometimes I tend to shoot in the same ways he does. I feel like this shot emulates his style of composition. This is on the roof of a building on my campus.

The one crooked board on the ground makes this picture for me, as everything else is pretty symmetrical.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Center City Alleyways


Center City has some great alleyways and side streets. On occasions when I've got nothing else to shoot I'll wonder around the labyrinth of small corridors and streets that span between Broad and 2nd Street. There are some cool things to be found.

South Street Sweetheart


Shot with my 35mm Canon AT-1. f/5.6, 1/125.

I don't, and have never done a blog, but I suppose I'll keep the words to a minimum, because if your reading this your clearly here for photography or Urban Exploration related items. From time to time I will talk about some things pertaining to these subject matters, of course always accompanying photography.

As for this post, I know it isn't UE related but I plan on this blog encompassing a wide range of photographic subjects, not just dealing with UE or urban life. So if your not a fan, still, check out the blog. Im using this as an outlet for me to post work until I have enough cash to actually get a domain. That'll be all.
